The Empowered Sex Course teaches you how to spot your sexual strengths and design your love life around them. 

How would your sex life transform if you played to your strengths and felt empowered by pleasure?



For a limited time, when you buy this course you own it for life

(including all the updates we make to the course!) 


Do you know how you naturally flirt? communicate? or what your sexual emotional intelligence is?

Here are the lessons in this module:

  1. How to know what you want from sex
  2. Identifying your sexual needs
  3. Honoring sexual fantasies & kinks
  4. Emotional Intelligence: how you flirt, argue, and attach to others
  5. Building sexual boundaries
  6. How to talk about sex with your lover(s)


Are you confident in your sexual skills? 

Do your thoughts about sex make you feel open and excited for pleasure?

This module transforms you into the sexually confident version of yourself. You will learn new sexual skills and develop a positive sex mindset.

Here are the lessons in this module:

  1. Transforming your mindset: sex myth vs. fact
  2. Essential ethics for casual sex & longterm sex
  3. Pleasure anatomy: the most sensitive parts of the body
  4. Sex skills: vulva pleasure
  5. Sex skills: penis pleasure
  6. Sex skills: anal pleasure
  7. How to identify your sex strengths
  8. Mindfulness hacks for enhanced sexual pleasure
  9. Body acceptance with self-seduction (meditation included)


Are you ready to trust yourself and enjoy pleasure on your own terms?

This module guides you through science-backed methods that heal your past and stop self-sabotage. So that sex and love make you feel empowered, adventurous, and confident. 

Here are the lessons in this module: 

  1. What happens in your mind & body after sexual trauma
  2. How to use these healing techniques
  3. Healing shame with your inner child
  4. Understanding your sexual subconscious
  5. Why you protect yourself by self-sabotaging
  6. Healing whorephobia and slut shaming
  7. Using empathy as your sexual superpower
  8. Working with your strengths & weaknesses
  9. Creating your sex-positive future

"Your program did wonders for me and I recommend it to anyone who needs support in their love and intimate life.”




Did you know that Nadège is a trained Dominatrix and a professional Astrologer? As a Empowered Sex student you get access to three bonus lessons:

  1. BDSM & Dating 
  2. How to bring your BDSM fantasy to life
  3. The Astrology of your sex life & relationships
  4. Sex strengths and tips based on your zodiac sign

Sarah she/her

"Massively transformational. Nadège helped me heal inner child wounding around shame, judgment, and deservingness, unlocking a playful, confident, flirtatious side of myself that I couldn’t access previously. Now, this side of myself runs the show in moments of intimacy and vulnerability."

Jackson he/him

"For years I have struggled with my confidence and sense of intimacy with myself and my partner. Your calm, structured and uniquely tailored way of approaching both topics quickly enabled me to move from anxiety to action."

Wendy she/her

“I had not experienced such an intelligent, eloquent wisdom-based understanding of sex until Nadege. With compassion and humor and knowledge she  guided me through a powerful transition, rites of passage and returned to a deeper sense of self.”

Daniel he/him

"Your program did wonders for me and I recommend your work to anyone who needs support in their love and intimate life both with their partner and themselves!"

Ash he/they

"I deepened my vulnerability and stopped looking for reciprocation in my relationships. I understand how to share my love, build my sexual flow, and accept myself unapologetically." 

Izzy she/her

"I redefined what I know about sexuality and pleasure. Now I prioritize my own pleasure for the sake of enjoying myself, instead of making it about the pleasure I provide. I'm claiming my power and finding hedonistic pleasure on every level, even the most mundane, without caring what that looks like on the outside."

Empowered Sex 

Own it for life. Change your life.